Building a great portfolio website

What are the basics needed on a portfolio website? I started to compile such a list and, in my research came across this great list at (article by Lee Munroe). I've modified and re-worded it a little to fit my needs. But look up the original. It's a well thought through article.

1. First of all and most obviously, the site should be artistically outstanding and professional-looking with perfectly validated HTML and CSS. It should render well on all major browsers and be easy to navigate.

Which, of course, is why so may designers (like me for instance) tend to put off doing their personal portfolio site. It's intimidating. Our personal goal is probably higher than what we can achieve. Still, if everyone waited until we could achieve perfection, I guess nothing would ever get done. So, jump in.

2. Name/Logo: The name(and/or logo) should be the first thing the viewer sees. The name should be large, easy to read and in the upper left corner. The viewer should not have to search around to identify who the site is about.

3. Tagline: After the name, this should be the first thing the viewer sees. Answer the question: "Who are you and what do you do?"

4: Portfolio: If this is a portfolio site, it should predominant and easily accesible. Obviously, your strongest projects should be displayed. Less obviously, the projects should be what viewers would need to see and not necessarily your personal favorites. Usually just a cropped portion (a "teaser") is shown. Both the small cropped image and the title of the piece should be linked to the larger screen version. If websites, link image to the live version.

5. Services: List concisely what you have to offer - your skills. This isn't a full resume, just your main skills and strengths. Answer the question: "What are viewers be looking for?"

6. About me: This is often a neglected feature on many sites. The tendency is to think that "my work will speak for itself". But people are always more trusting and willing to do business if they feel they know someone. One website said this is the 3rd most popular page on their website, after Home and Contact. People want to know who's behind the site. An introduction should be on the Home page with more in-depth information on the About page.

The personalization can, of course, be overdone. I've seen some sites that look like recent college graduates with home pages dominated with a large personal photo and dialog something like this: "Hi, I'm Lenny, and I'm the answer to all your needs. Hire me"

7. Contact: The contact page is also often neglected. The contact page should be easy to find and inviting to use. Use a well-thought through form to gather as much information from the view with the least amount of work from him (or her).

8. Blog: Blogs are kind of new to me and this year I've been pushed to keep a blog going. Blog about your expertise. Use an RSS feed. The more readers your blog gets, the more potential links to new business you have. Frequently updating blogs keeps viewers returning to your site.

9. The site should emphasize a "call to action": Individual pages should have prominate "next step" "view my portfolio" "get in touch" "hire me" links.

10. Social networking sites: have prominent links to twitter, facebook, linkedIn etc pages.

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